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Diversity fills Main Street in Los Angeles

By Jessica Youseffi

The data below looks at the demographics in area code 90037. It is compiled from the U.S Census Bureau's most recent 2000 demographic profile. The 90037 area covers Main St. from Jefferson Blvd to Slauson Ave, and encompasses our area of focus. It
does however go far beyond our region, even including blocks where USC students live, which should be considered when reviewing the results.

Individuals below poverty level | The data from 2010 shows that 40.2% of individuals are below the poverty level, which is far lower than the national average of 12.4%. The poorest area is to the east of Figueroa and west of Main St.

In labor force | This data only calculates the population over 16 years
and over that are employed. 52.1% of residents are employed compared
to the U.S. average of 63.9%.

Population with Bachelor's degree or higher | The percentage of residents with a Bachelor's or degree or higher is 4%, which is very low compared to the U.S. average of 24.4% of the population who have degrees higher education. The percentage however would be a lot lower if it didn't include USC students, many of whom also live in the same area code.

Diversity of races | From the 2000 data Hispanics make up 67.7% of
the population in the 90037 area followed by African Americans that
make up 30%. The densest Hispanic population reside to the east of the
I-110 Freeway. Over 40% of African American's in the area live to the
west of Vermont Ave.

Average age comparison |The median age in the area is around 25 years old, compared to the U.S. median of 35. 63% of the population is over the age of 18, while only 6.4% of the demographic is over 65.

Percentage of High School graduates |Only 37.2% of the residents have a High school degree compared to the U.S. average of 80.4%.